Vulnerability Worksheet - A Companion to the 92,000 Hours Podcast Season 4 Episode 2

In Season 4 of the 92,000 Hours podcast we take our central premise - that we spend the majority of our lives at work, and thus, should be intentional about ensuring that those hours are spent well - and give our listeners and readers specific TOOLS to identify and create plans to incorporate purpose and meaning into all areas of our lives, including our work.

This week's topic is vulnerability and courage. When was the last time you felt vulnerable? And if you struggle to identify that moment, let’s phrase it a different way - when was the last time you felt brave? In this episode we argue that vulnerability is simply part of life, and we can learn to recognize it and get comfortable with it. The following are reflection questions to help you understand this for - and about - yourself. Please share answers with us via voice mail: 385-501-7333 or email:


Season 4 of 92,000 Hours – Vulnerability Episode Companion Questions/Reflection Worksheet


1.     Vulnerability isn’t about winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen. When have you been vulnerable in the last month? How about the last week?


2.     What scares you the most about being vulnerable? Are there tapes/messages in your head that keep you from showing up in your life so you can avoid hearing people say/think those things?


3.     We judge others in areas where we are the least secure and the most susceptible to shame. Do you find yourself judging others? How would you describe yourself in that same area?


4.     Vulnerability is not full disclosure. It’s revealing parts of yourself to those who’ve earned the right to hear your story. Who are those people in your life (your “square squad”)?


5.     Is there someone in your life who will dust you off and embrace you for being brave when things go bad? Have you told that person how much that means to you? Commit to a time to do that and write down what you want to say to them.


6.     Can you remember an instance where you felt courageous and afraid at the same time? Can you describe that moment? What happened afterward? What was the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure you faced in that moment?


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